Cherry pits are a superb choice for creating your own earth-friendly heating and cooling pads. It takes a minimal amount of effort for a maximum pay-back...both environmentally and physically. Clean, dry cherry pits are free of chemicals and additives. They have up to three times both the heating and heat retention capacity of other less-desireable chemical products. When frozen, compresses filled with cherry pits often retain their cooling sensation longer than commercially-filled "gel" products. When creating your heating/cooling pad, be sure to use heat-resistant materials like denim or canvas when sewing a pillow or pouch for your heating or cooling pad. And, for best results, keep that pad loosely packed.
Martha's tips on how to create your own cherry pit pad: Materials: Steps: How to heat (or cool) your cherry pit pad: Once your cherry pit pad is created you can use it in two ways: as a cooling or heating pad. To keep it cool, place your pad in a zip-lock type bag and place in the freezer. For a warm pad, heat it in your microwave for 2-3 minutes. Please remember that the amount of time you warm your pad depends on your particular microwave and tolerance for heat. DO NOT OVER HEAT! |
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